Personal branding for accountants - webinar recording

Webinar with Meryl Johnston and Luke Kemeys


In this session, I chatted with Meryl Johnston and Luke Kemeys (connect with them on LinkedIn to see their personal brands in action) about personal branding. I’m usually doing the educating on webinars. On this one, I learned heaps.

Some takeaways…

Same but different
Meryl and Luke have broadly the same foundation for their personal brand but execute in very different ways.

The key word is personal: it has to reflect who you are.

Authentic but not access-all-areas
They both highlighted being authentic but that doesn’t mean you have to reveal everything about yourself.

My summary would be: choose the things you want to talk about and be authentic there. That doesn’t mean you need to put your entire personal life on show.

Meryl warned of the dangers of oversharing. I would double down on that: it doesn’t come with red flags but you are being judged by what you do online.

Could debate all day about what is “professional” but there are clearly some things that could make clients/prospects/peers etc. raise their eyebrows.

Don’t build your mansion on rented land
Social platforms are rented land. They can change their algorithm with no warning or make you start paying for reach.

You need owned assets like a newsletter or podcast.

Use social for reach and audience building. Capture the interest with your owned assets.

There was heaps more good stuff which you can see in the webinar recording.

I'd also love to connect on LinkedIn. Let me know what you think of my new header image - I was inspired to change it after this webinar.

Want accountant-led personal training?

We are also thinking of running an in-depth personal branding training in 2024. Would you be interested? Take this 10 second survey and us know.