Create a form and add a form to your blog

To create a form, follow these steps:

1. Add new form 

Go to "Forms" and click on "Add New"


2. Name your form

Name your form (description is optional) and click on "Create Form"


3. Create your form

You will be taken to a working environment where you can create your form. There's also a step by step guide on how to create it.

4. Add fields

On the right hand side, you can see various fields. Use these fields to create your form. One click on the field and the field is automatically added to the form.


5. Update the form

Once you're happy with the form, click "Update".


6. Add form to your blog

Create or go to the page where you want the form to appear. Click wherever you'd like the form to be placed and click on the "Add Form" button.

Form button


7. Select form

Select your form from the dropdown menu. The form is displayed as a link within the content.

Select form

8. This is how the inserted form shows in the backend


Add form


9. Click on Update/Publish/Schedule to post the blog or changes that you made