- Knowledge base
- Webinars & Podcasts
- Client Webinars
Getting Started with Bizink
- Get started
- Share content via blogs
- Share Information via Pages
- Engage with your clients
- Showcase your Service Packages
- Showcase testimonials
- Showcase your team
- Collect information
- Generate Referrals
- Resources & Partner Resources
- Media Library
- Use your website Email Marketing platform
- Update your website design
- Bizink Support
- Integrations
Client Hub
Onboarding Hub
Email Marketing
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Webinars & Podcasts
Current service status
Let your clients know about your Client Area
In a recent webinar, we offered the following email template as a giveaway. It helps you contact your clients to let them know about the Client Area of your website.
Please adjust the following template to suit your Client Area.
Email Template
Subject line: Check out our Client Area
Hi [subscriber:firstname | default:there]
We've recently added a few useful tools to the Client Area of our website.
You can find this in the top right corner. We recommend you bookmark our website so you can come back to these resources easily.
The area includes:
- Logins to your accounting software;
- A way to easily book an appointment with us;
- A simple and secure to pay your bill online;
- A link to our client portal;
- An easy way to share files with us; and
- A way to refer a friend who may need our services.
{adjust the above depending on what you have in your client area}
Thank you for your continued support, we hope you find these useful.
Get in touch
Call us on (phone number) or email (email address) if you have any questions.
If you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing support@bizinkonline.com
Thank you!