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  2. BizPress
  3. Adding content to my site

Add BizPress content to your website

Step-by-step instructions on how to add BizPress content to a page on your website

  1. Log in to your website and navigate to the dashboard.

  2. Click on "Pages" on the left-hand menu, then click on "Add New" to create a new page.

  3. Give your new page a title. e.g. Key Dates or Resources 

  4. Copy [bizpress-content] and paste it into the content section below the title 

  5. Save your changes by clicking on the "Publish" button
  6. Navigate to BizPress on the left-hand menu
  7. Under the settings section assign the new page to the selected BizPress content. e.g Key Dates or Resources 

Congratulations, you have added a new page to with BizPress content to your website, you can now also add this page to your website menus to make it easier for your visitors to find.