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Add Appointment Booking to your website

Online Appointment Booking makes it easy to get meetings booked in your calendar and saves you time!

Adding Appointment Booking to your website has many benefits. It saves you from that back-and-forth email tennis, makes it easier for clients and prospects to chat with you, allows you to set your preferred appointment types and times and can automate reminders, follow ups, Zoom calls and much more!

We highly recommend you choose a provider from the list below and add this to your website.

Appointment Booking providers

You may like to check out these Appointment Booking providers:

This is the first step - choose a provider and get your meetings set up.

Appointment Types

This is up to you, but we at least recommend you create a meeting for your Initial Consultation meeting with a prospect. Remember - if you make it easy for prospects to contact you, you will get more prospects contacting you!

You may also have a meeting for your Client Check-Ins / Reviews or meetings for different services (eg Accounting vs Financial Planning may be directed to different team members). 

Where to put this on your website

There are a few places you can put your Appointment Booking on your site. You may like to create a Book a Meeting page just for this, as we've done here.

You can also have this as a section on your contact page, like Love Your Numbers has got here.

Some providers also have a pop-up widget option which sits in the bottom right-hand corner of your site (similar to a Live Chat feature). 

How to add Appointment Booking to your website

If you want to dedicate a page for Appointments, you will need to go to Pages - Add New and give it a title eg "Book a Meeting" or "Appointments".

You will then need to paste the embed code from your provider (eg Calendly), Publish the page and add it to your menu.

Please reach out to support@bizinkonline.com if you need help. We will need you to send your embed code through to us and tell us where you want this on your site.

Please contact support if you need assistance.

More tips

The main objection we get to this is "I don't want my calendar to get overrun and booked out all of a sudden!" First of all, this is unlikely to happen, but there are measures to take to prevent this anyway. For example, you can restrict meetings to certain days and times, allow buffers between meetings and stop meetings from being booked the same day. 


We recommend linking your Appointment Booking platform with a video conferencing tool like Zoom or Go To Meeting. You can connect this so the Zoom meeting is automatically generated when you get booked. 

You can also set up reminder emails to go 1 day and/or 1 hour before the meeting, to prevent no-shows.

Please contact our support team if you have any questions.